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How to Find the Best SEO Keywords that Provide Traffic

March 24, 2021
By Gracie

Laptop with Code

Know your audience

First, try to understand your ideal visitor. Understanding the type of person to visit your website is important. The words they use and the way that they think when looking will help you find keywords. There are two types of SEO keywords, but typically you want to use specific and nuanced language. Searchers often google specific words, so it's up to you to target that niche demographic! The best keywords will provide you with the most traffic. Free sites exist that calculate keywords visitors might use. You may consider using a paid service for keywords to get information like cost-per-click. Increasing your ranking is important to stand out among the millions of web pages, so make sure to research well!

Consider researching sites that generate keywords.

Another thing to do for finding keywords is looking at your competitors. Understanding what drives users to their site over yours is important if you want to perform well. Using online analytic sites will give you their keywords and a detailed insight into their online performance. Mining keywords also helps you learn about content marketing strategies that you might've never considered. Picking the right keywords to use though, is important and a difficult task.

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Getting the search engine to direct visitors to your site over the competition is a hard task, but keywords quickly become well worth it and can drastically increase traffic if you optimize them. Understanding who wants to visit, what they’re thinking is half of the battle. But also learning from the enemy so to speak. Researching and analyzing data from your web opponents might just give you the edge that you need!

You can use additional sites to help you research what keywords other, similar websites use in comparison to yours. You can also use traffic statistics to target a specific audience. Finding specific words that users often type in will help your website get traffic. Remember to understand your ideal visitor.

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